St. Vincent Ferrer Shrine/ Holy Cross Parish - Maribojoc


The Maribojoc instrument is a clearly later 19th century instrument: no lleno and no cornetas.

Local source mention 1890 as the construction year.

Remarkable are the preserved chamades, in M-shape, including a true 16' in the discant.

The stops noted by Klais are the following:




Trompeta 8'

Clarin 4'

Flautado Mayor 8'

Octava 4'

Flautado 4'

Quincena 2'

Decinovena 1 1/3'




Trompeta 16'

Clarin Claro 8'

Flautado Major 8'

Violon 8'

Octava 4'

Quincena 4'

Decinovena 2 2/3'

Ventidosena 2'


Observe the remarkable bass - discant separation at cs1, so the discant starts at d1 !! A-typical for the Spanish

tradition and more the late Classic/French tradition...