Episcopal Cathedral Main


The organ is the opus 501 year 1960 of the Belgian/Dutch organ company of B. Pels & Son both having their shops in Lier, Belgium and Alkmaar, Holland in that time. J. Lionaz and P. Andriesen assisted in the installation.

The Console in the Transcept area has three manuals where both Transcept and Main Organ are playable.  With a total of 53 stops, the organ of St. Mary’s and St. John’s is considered as the second largest pipe organ in the Philippines.  Manual Keyboard compass is C-c4 and the Pedal Keyboard with compass C-g1 is in AGO norm, angular and concave.  Another three manual console in placed on the gallery near the Main Organ.



Great: (9 stops)   

Hohlquintadena 16’    Wood/Metal
Principal 8’    Metal (façade pipes)
Hohlflute 8’    Wood/Metal
Octave 4’    Metal
Spitzflute 4’    Metal
Quinte 2 2/3’    Metal
Superoctave 2’    Metal
Mixture IV- VI    Metal
Trumpet 8’    Metal
Swell: (12 stops)   

Geigen Principal 8’    Metal
Viola di Gamba 8’    Metal
Vox Celeste 8’    Metal
Rohrflute 8’    Wood/Metal
Principal 4’    Metal
Harmonic Flute 4’    Metal
Flautino 2’    Metal
Sesquialtera 2 2/3’ + 1 3/5’    Metal
Plein Jeu III    Metal
Contra Fagotto 16’    Metal
Cornopean 8’    Metal
Calrion 4’    Metal
Choir: (9 stops)

Principal 8’    Metal
Gemshorn 8’    Metal
Gedeckt 8’     Wood/Metal
Prestant 4’    Metal
Koppelflute 4’    Metal
Nasard 2 2/3’    Metal
Blockflute 2’    Metal
Tierce 1 3/5’    Metal
Oboe 8’    Metal
Pedal: (9 stops)   

Principal 16’    Metal (façade pipes)
Sub Bass 16’    Wood
Principal 8’    Metal (façade pipes)
Gedeckt 8’    Wood
Octave 4’    Metal
Mixture IV    Metal
Trombone 16’    Metal
Tromba 8’    Metal
Clarion 4’    Metal

Choir to Great    Great to Pedal
Swell to Great    Choir to Pedal
Swell to Choir    Swell to Pedal